Join us on #followalibrary day 2012 on Oct 1st


For the third year on a row, October 1st will be #followalibrary day on twitter. This year the initiative for the day comes from David Green in Australia. to use his words:
funtastic folk will be tweeting the AWESOMENESS of libraries and using the hashtag #followalibrary. We’ll be tweeting about reading, creating, playing, communicating, learning, sharing & all the other excellent stuff we do in libraries. It’s such a cool way to spread library love :)

David and the Shelharbour Libraries made this great promotion video.

Of course we will be tweeting that day from the Netherlands. 
Are you also going to join David and us on October 1st
and put the libraries in the spotlights online?    

The hashtag is #followalibrary

Valentine's Day 2012 in Libraries #loveheritage


Together with the archives, we want to celebrate Valentine's Day this year by promoting the love stories in our collections. 

How you can join us on Valentine's Day
You can find many love stories in our library collections. Tweet, make a YouTube video, write a blogpost or put a message on your Facebook page about it and include the hashtag: #loveheritage 

Initiative for #loveheritage
This great initiative comes from the followanarchive-team. We loved the idea and where happy to be asked to join the archives on #loveheritage day.

We hope you will participate too and spread the 
love for libraries and archives on the internet!
